The World of Elongated Coins
Today’s modern elongated cents (also known as pressed pennies, squashed cents, rolled cents, and many other names), can trace their history to innovation at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition held in Chicago. The first recorded documentation of coins (both U.S. and World) being “rolled” with a press with a design on the roller to produce a new type of souvenir, was done at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Over two dozen elongated design types are known to have been “rolled” at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition.
A whole new numismatic collecting field was created and is growing even today. You can find elongated rolling machines at most tourist attractions (museums, zoos, theme parks, etc.) not only in the U.S. but in other countries around the world.
The presentation will show the growth and development of elongate collecting from 1893 to today, and provide collecting information.
Instructor: Richard Jozefiak
Originally presented January 20, 2021
The Story of Siege Money
Sieges punctuate history with accounts of bravery as well as dreadful acts of cruelty...always in the name of justice, often in the name of God. Soldiers who engaged in siege warfare were generally mercenaries and demanded payment for their services. During extended periods of strife, the coin o the realm simply ran out and had to be substituted with something else necessitating the creation of siege money. This talk is designed to familiarize the collector with what siege money is, how it was made, and show the many forms that it takes.
Instructor: Lawrence Korchnak
Originally presented January 21, 2021
Masonic Pennies 130 Years of Mystery, History and Beautiful Coins
When a Mason earned the Fourth Degree, Royal Arch Mason, they earned a penny. The history of the penny is shrouded in mystery. When a Mason became a Royal Arch Mason they put their Mark in the Chapter Book of Marks and put it on their penny. This ritual appears to have a developed-in America during the 1800s. The first mention of a R.A.M Penny was in Medals of the Masonic Fraternity by Marvin in 1880. Marvin listed a Penny similar to the current Chapter Penny issued by the Excelsior Mark Lodge no 216 in Philadelphia. Marvin also lists a stock Penny. The stock pennies were silver and had a Keystone on one side and blank on the other side. The earliest I have been able to find was from the Pentucket Chapter from Haverhill MA. in 1876. To date I have only seen 4 of these pennies – each uniquely engraved.
Sometime around 1890, the Chapters started having unique dies engraved. B.P. Wright, President of ANA and a Mason, issued a series of three booklets on Masonic Pennies 1901-1904. Many of the Masonic Pennies were works of engraving art. In the early days, the Chapters were very secretive and would not share information on their pennies. Many of the pennies were buried with the Masons. The Hanauer Collection of Masonic Pennies started in 1899 became the basis for the collection at the House of the Temple in Washington DC. E.A. King Cataloged this collection (about 8,000 pennies) in the late 1920s and issued the book Masonic Chapter Pennies. There are several pennies in the collection that are the only ones know. We have cataloged over 17,000 pennies with images on
This presentation will go through the history of Masonic Pennies and examples of the different types of pennies. Many of the Pennies have interesting stories and some of them will be discussed. Much of this information is being presented for the first time.
Instructor: Tom Carson
Originally presented January 27, 2021
Parthia: The Forgotten Empire
Parthia was an Empire occupied the region of modern-day Iran and Iraq for over 400 years, yet is almost forgotten today. Learn more about this fascinating empire through its coinage.
Instructor: Doug Mudd
Originally presented January 28, 2021
The Production Technology of Ancient Coinage
For the production of ancient coinage, it was well-known that form follows function. In order to produce a legal coin, it was necessary to have the correct materials and strict controls for its standardized design and production. It is then that the legitimate authority (emperor, empire) approves the striking of a disk or lump of metal, of a certain purity and weight, to produce to official coin that can be used as legal tender. The authority certifies that the newly minted coin is the legal currency, at least within the area governed by that power.
Although the manufacture and production of ancient coinage involve simple tools, their fine quality, design, and extremely beautiful details speak otherwise.
This presentation will focus on various points:
-Metals that have been used for the production of ancient coinage;
-The tools necessary to produce coinage;
-The stages of coinage production;
-The manufacturing techniques, casting, and striking commenting on the benefits of each and on defects that can help in their study;
-The different features and characteristics between Ptolemaic and Roman coinage.
Instructor: Almoatz-bellah Elshahawi
Originally Presented February 5, 2021
Let's Collect Half Cents
U.S. Half cents, which were made from 1793-1857, have a great advantage to collectors of being rare, interesting, and affordable at the same time. Yet, many collectors are unfamiliar with this fascinating series. Most of them were made during the administrations of Washington Adams, Jefferson, and Madison, so they have great historical interest, but you can get many of them in XF-AU (or even better!) for less than the price of a heavily circulated 1909-S VDB cent. This talk will discuss their beauty and artistry, how they were made, and how people collect them.
Instructor: Bill Eckberg
Originally Presented February 8, 2021
Lincoln: The Challenge
Who was Lincoln? This presentation discusses Lincoln as seen through his numismatic portraits over time – from original photographs to medals, coins, and paper currency – who was he and how has his image been used over the last 150 years?
Instructor: Doug Mudd
Originally presented February 10, 2021.
The Second Great Mortality; AKA: The Black Death, 1333-53 & Some of its Coinage
Join Rod Frechette's undertaking of the Second Great Mortality. His revelation on how this dark chaotic period has anything to do with this past year is no longer a mystery. You will be buried with graveside humor on a tour of medieval Eurasia as he shovels up dozens of the 300+ coins of this mortifying period. 20th Century pop culture is interred with the science, religious superstition, history, geography, and personalities of this grim time.
Instructor: Rod Frechette
Originally presented February 11, 2021
Please check back for recording.
Dutch Sieges of the 16th and 17th Centuries
The most prolific era of siege coin production was during the struggle for Dutch independence. The Eighty Years' War was a large-scale insurrection with political roots, economic implications, and deep religious fervor. The story of the events during this period in history can be told by the coins that were created by necessity under the strain of war.
Originally presented February 16, 2021
The Short Snorter Project – Still Keeping the Memories Alive – Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII
Tom Sparks founded the Short Snorter Project to educate the general public about the short snorter tradition, the individuals, and the short snorter artifacts. His presentation incorporates his collection of artifacts and research put together over the last 15+ years which was recently published as a digital book on the Newman Numismatic Portal.
Instructor: Tom Sparks
Originally presented February 19, 2021
Cast Bronze Money from the Roman Republic and Central Italy
Rome was founded in 753 BC and started producing coins in about 300 BC. Cast bronze in several forms was used for money in Republican Rome and Central Italy before coins were struck from gold, silver, or bronze. This talk will cover some reasons for the use of money. Cast bronze in several forms will be shown: irregularly formed as rude, cast bars and other shapes, and finally cast bronze coins. Some of the important books on the subject will be discussed and shown.
Instructor: Gene McPherson
Originally presented February 22, 2021
More on Paper and Money Counterfeits and the History of Official Counterfeiting
In the first session on this subject, when time expired we were in the middle of a slide set showing how counterfeiters evade or replicate security features on banknotes. In this session, we will finish that discussion and move to the history of state-on-state counterfeiting – a practice dating back to the American Revolutionary War. If you missed the first session, you can
watch it ahead of time here. Look for "Introduction to Paper Money Production and Counterfeit Detection."
Instructor: Joseph E. Boling
Originally presented February 23, 2021
The Charonian Coin: A Toll to the Afterworld
A study on the tradition of coins used in the ancient world related to death experience.
This presentation is exploring the relevant customs in the different locations and eras of the ancient world. Cases of archaeological findings are presented, supported by rich photographic evidence.
Instructor: George Anastasopoulos
Originally presented February 25, 2021
Collecting and Investing in the 2020 Basketball Hall of Fame Commemorative Coin Program
This course will provide a professional overview of collecting and investing in the 2020 Basketball Hall of Fame Commemorative Coin program. Students will learn the history and specifics of the nine coins release by the U.S. Mint to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Basketball Hall of Fame. Whether you are a beginner, seasoned collector, or dealer, the knowledge gained from this class will serve you as you collect and invest in this limited Commemorative Coin Program.
Instructor: Del Mineard Jr.
Originally presented March 1, 2021
Saint Gaudens Double Eagle Die Varieties Revisited
Students will get an in-depth look at Saint Gauden's Double Eagle die varieties, their rarity characteristics, recent market data, coverage in the numismatic press and next milestones for collectors.
Instructor: Ross Johnson
Originally presented March 16, 2021
Siege Notes: The Currency of War
Siege Currency is rare and historic. This talk will trace the history of siege currency and address the unique circumstances surrounding its issue. The collector will discover how circumstances resulted in coins being struck from planchets made by pasting prayer book pages together. We will also examine notes meticulously written by hand, notes printed on discarded pieces of clothing, and notes printed using a carved croquet mallet as an engraving plate.
Instructor: Lawrence Korchnak
Originally presented March 23, 2021
Virtus & Victoria: Coins Relating to the Severan War Against the Tribes of Caledonia
This talk discusses coins relating to the war conducted from A.D. 208–11 by the Roman emperor Septimius Severus against the tribal inhabitants of Caledonia. The intent here is not to put forth a comprehensive history of this war. It is to examine coins which illustrate the concepts of virtus and victoria within the context of this war, and which were issued contemporaneously with it. The Latin word virtus connotes qualities of manly excellence such as courage, character, strength, and valor. Military success was invariably credited to the emperor’s virtus. Virtus was sometimes personified as an armed woman. Yet especially in this era, virtus is often embodied in depictions of the emperor himself dominating a foe. The Romans personified the concept of victoria, or victory, as the winged goddess Victoria. Martial imagery such as bound captives, battlefield trophies, and piles of captured arms are frequently shown alongside Victoria as part of the same design. They are sometimes also shown in combination with figures representing Severus, Caracalla, and Geta, who in 210 had earned the title of Britannicus Maximus, or “the great victor of Britain.”
Instructor: Michael Kodysz
Originally presented March 24, 2021
Pricing Rare Coins In Today's World
There is more information available to collectors than ever before on rare coin pricing. Unfortunately, much of this information is confusing to use, and often contradictory. Learn what tools are best to use when deciding rare coin prices. I am Senior Editor of the Guide Book of United States Coins (Redbook). I will explain how we develop prices each year for the Redbook.
Instructor: Jeff Garrett
Originally presented March 29, 2021
Grading 101
Explore the philosophy behind learning how to grade. Review the characteristics of the four basic metals used in minting coins in the United States. Instruction will consist of a lecture, a PowerPoint presentation, and question and answer periods. ANA grading standards will be stressed. Gain the confidence needed to accurately assess potential coins for your collection.
Instructor: Rod Gillis Education Director, American Numismatic Association
Originally presented March 30, 2021
Beauty and the Banknote — The Feminine Touch
From nuns to queens; artists to scientists; writers to social and political reformers; philanthropists to national heroes and more, women have played a vital role in shaping world history. As a result, many have been honored by their respective countries with their portraits on currency.
Come discover and learn about their exploits and contributions to history which lead to them being featured on paper money during International Women's Month in March.
Instructor: Walt Ostromecki
Originally presented March 31, 2021
Damaged Goods
"A cleaned coin is a ruined coin" is the mantra that nearly every numismatist lives by. Indeed, you probably avoid coins that have been holed, bent, or used in ways they really weren't supposed to have been. Here, I will show you a selection of such coins -- and make the case that they are a genuinely important part of numismatics.
Instructor: Vic Agha
Originally presented April 2, 2021
Understanding Die States on 1794 US Large Cents
Most people have no trouble understanding die cracks, die breaks, and rim cuds on 1794 US Large Cents. But die sinking, swelling, and clashing present some difficulty. This seminar will use digital images to illustrate, explain, and clear up any of the confusion.
Instructor: Chuck Heck
Originally presented April 5, 2021
The State Coinages of the Confederation Era 1785-1788
An overview of the copper coinages authorized by Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Jersey between 1785 and 1788. Topics will include some history, numismatic references and methods of collecting.
Instructor: Ray Williams
Originally presented April 8, 2021
A Brief Overview of Hobo Nickels
An introduction to the history of Hobo Nickels including what they are and why they were made. I will also discuss both the old and the modern tools used to create these pieces of art. And, of course, I will answer the popular question, "Isn't that illegal?"
Instructor: Abigail Zechman
Originally presented April 9, 2021
Standardization and Quality Control of Ancient Athenian Coinage
A study on the coinage standardization, quality control, and identification of fakes in ancient Athens.
The presentation is exploring the Athenian Law on Silver Coinage and the material testing methodologies used at that time. Ancient inscriptions are presented supported by photographic evidence.
Instructor: George Anastasopoulos
Originally presented April 13, 2021
Coins of the 300: Numismatics of the Persian Wars
Inspired by the popular movie, 300, a fanciful retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae during the Persian Wars, this talk focuses on the coins of the lands along the route of the Persian army at the beginning of the 5th century BC.
Instructor: Doug Mudd
Originally presented April 14, 2021
The Shippingport Ferry Token
Next to the first commercial nuclear power station in the world is a small town that had a ferry. The town still stands and the power plant is still in operation; however, the ferry is gone. The story of the Shippingport Ferry is an interesting one inasmuch as it issued a single token and operated for over 100 years only to have succumbed to fate and the inevitable march of progress.
Instructor: Lawrence Korchnak
Originally presented April 19, 2021
The Lafayette Dollar: Big, Bold & Forgotten 
The Lafayette Dollar shares a rich history as part of the classic commemorative series. Unfortunately, the coin is often overlooked when compared to its brethren. What is the reason for this? The time period in which the coin was minted? The design? The subject matter it commemorates? Join a light-hearted discussion on one of America’s most forgotten coins. National Coin Week eLearning Series!
Instructor: Rod Gillis, ANA Education Director
Originally presented April 19, 2021
The Joys of Morgan Silver Dollars 
Many collectors are awestruck by Morgan silver dollars - their size, beauty, abundant affordable examples, and different ways to collect. Learn about the designer, the different mints that produced the coin, the hiatus from 1904 to 1921, and the GSA release of primarily Carson City dollars in the early 1970s. National Coin Week eLearning Series!
Instructor: George Bazarko, Morgan Enthusiast and ANA Life Member
Originally presented April 20, 2021
Big Challenges for a Big Dollar
Dwight D. Eisenhower was one of most bold and successful leaders in history. When a new dollar coin honoring him and the first moon landing was released in 1971 it was popular with collectors, but not without controversy. Learn the history of this iconic coin, the challenges it faced, and what to look for as a collector.
Instructor: Andy Oskam, Numismatic Author and Educator
Originally presented April 21, 2021
The Money in Your Pocket: Before and After the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 
The Federal Reserve Act changed United States finance and currency forever. Explore the politics of central banking in the United States, and the policy arguments leading up to the Fed's founding in 1913. Contrast what currency someone might have had in their wallet before the Fed era, and how that wallet's contents would have changed after the Fed's founding. National Coin Week eLearning Series!
Instructor: Dr. Loren Gatch, Professor of Political Science at the University of Central Oklahoma, Board of Governors of the Society of Paper Money Collectors
Originally presented April 22, 2021
Politics, Ego and Tragedy 
Gaius Julius Caesar and Marcus Junius Brutus. Two larger-than-life characters who left indelible marks on history. Their numismatic legacy incorporates several of the most famous ancient Roman coins, creating a bold illustration of the circumstances of their tragic collision that resulted in their deaths. National Coin Week eLearning Series!
Instructor: Douglas Mudd, ANA Curator and Museum Director
Originally presented April 23, 2021.
National Coin Week and the ANA 
The ANA was founded 130 years ago, and has celebrated National Coin Week since 1924. Discover the history of the annual event and the ANA through objects in the collection and articles from The Numismatist. Take a tour of the ANA’s online educational resources, including virtual exhibits, videos and activities. National Coin Week eLearning Series!
Instructor: Andy Dickes, ANA Museum Specialist
Originally presented April 24, 2021.
Discovering Your Coin: How to Truly Learn About The Objects You're Collecting
As collectors of coins, tokens, medals, and paper money, we all love acquiring new pieces for our collection. But to properly appreciate what you're collecting, you need to learn about it. What is the story behind this object? How much has it sold for in the past? Who else collects this, and what can I learn from them? You will walk away from this talk with solid resources and the ability to discover just how amazing your collection really is!
Instructor: Kellen Hoard
Originally presented April 26, 2021.
Coins and Paper Money of the Mexican Revolución
This session will start with the end of an era, the ousting of Díaz in 1911 and the murdering of the Mexican President Madero in 1913. For two hours we will be reviewing coins and paper money of the Mexican Revolution from a seven year period, from 1913 to 1920. We will go over the main series of both, coins and paper money, while understanding the historical event that gave birth to this disparity of issues and how they were perceived by their citizens.
Instructor: Ricardo de Leon Tallavas
Originally presented April 27, 2021.
Please check back for recording.
Providencia - Cultural Landscape and Numismatic Heritage
Providencia is an island that served as a leprosarium for western Venezuela between 1831 and 1985. However, more than clinical history, it's a cultural landscape that meant the modification of a natural environment by a society forcibly installed on its territory, but that developed there its life and local culture, leaving a legacy reflected in buildings, stories and assets; that is the case of coins and banknotes intended solely for the use of leprosy patients. This research is based on the necessity to determine the role of Providencia as heritage of western Venezuela; it allowed to characterize the historical development, lifestyle, and restricted circulation money of the leprosarium, thereby strengthening its role as cultural heritage of Zulia state.
Instructor: Hussein Larreal
Originally presented April 30, 2021.
Handwritten Promises in The Republic of Texas
This presentation takes the audience into the very personal nature of early Texas obligations, offering a rare glimpse at handwritten promises signed by such notables as Moses Austin, Ben Milam, James W. Fannin, David G. Burnet, Three Legged Willie, Almeron Dickinson. James W. Robinson, and Capt. Jack Hays of the Texas Rangers.
This is the story of how this intricate network of handwritten promises, countersigned government issues, receipts, third party payments, legal documents and slave titles fit together to expand the human side of the financial story of those men and women who lived in and died for the Republic of Texas.
Instructor: Jim Bevill
Originally presented May 4, 2021.
Please check back for recording.
Documenting Your Collection: Motives and Methods for Keeping Records of Your Collection
Keeping detailed and accurate records is an important component of any coin collector’s hobby experience. Whether your collection is large or small, focused or eclectic, this presentation will get you motivated to make order out of chaos or consider alternative ways to document your collection that will keep you engaged. Reasons for getting organized and multiple methods for documenting your collection will be presented, enabling attendees to pick and choose the motives and systems that are right for them. Incorporating photos, choosing the right backup system, and tips for staying motivated to maintain those records once you get started will also be presented for your consideration.
Instructor: Tim Ferreira
Originally presented May 10, 2021.
Abraded Die Varieties
Abraded Die Varieties are fascinating, collectible but all-too-often overlooked die errors. Learn why and how they happen and see examples of popular and not-so-well known examples to complete your collection. Focus will mainly be on Buffalo Nickels, although other series will be discussed.
Instructor: David Smock
Originally presented May 13, 2021.
Off the Beaten Numismatic Path
The collection highlighted here was motivated by a desire to search for items that hardly anyone collects, are mostly not coins, are often eye-popping and mysterious, document history, and are a blast to show to friends. The unusual and exciting material you’ll see in this presentation comes from an ANA exhibit that was given a National Money Show Best of Show award and a World’s Fair of Money runner-up Howland Wood award. It also received the Rodger E. Hersey People’s Choice award. (If you can identify every item in the PowerPoint show before described, you are a numismatic whizz!)
Instructor: Sam Deep
Originally presented May 18, 2021.
Reading Roman Coins
Historical Narration: A summary about ancient currencies, types of models, inscriptions, mint Mark, methods of minting coins and examination of coins from different eras.
Instructor: Samira Slime
Originally presented May 21, 2021.
U.S. Half Cents; Designs, Dates, and Die Varieties
Half cents have long inspired numismatic writers. One quaintly called them, the “Little Half Sisters.” Why were half cents struck for circulation only intermittently between 1793 and 1857? In which years were they struck? How many different design types were there? Who designed them? Are there multiple die varieties for each year?
Instructor: Franklin Noel
Originally presented May 24, 2021.
Strategies to Dispose of Your Collection .png?width=40&name=NCW%20(2).png)
MONEY TALKS PRESENTATION: Many numismatists do not know what to do with their collections before they enter the “Great Misty Veil of Life.” Often, a hobbyist’s spouse and/or children are not familiar, nor the least bit interested in, numismatics. If a collector dies without a specific strategy, then his family is left with a big mess. Should you sell your collection before passing? If not, how can you help your relatives liquidate your collection upon your demise?
Presenter: Rod Gillis
Originally presented May 24, 2021.
Is Anything Ever Really New? Coin & Currency Déjà Vu over Two Millennia .png?width=40&name=NCW%20(2).png)
MONEY TALKS PRESENTATION: History tends to repeat itself. In cultures separated by years to millennia, intriguing situations involving coins and paper currency have recurred. These include fraudulent gold-plating of minor coinage, using imagery to bolster fiat currency, and recycling cannons and shells to make spending money. Coincidence or circumstance? Tune into this talk to decide for yourself.
Presenter: Hans H. Liu, M.D.
Originally presented May 25, 2021.
Proof Walking Liberty Half Dollars: One of the Most Underappreciated & Undervalued Series in Numismatics .png?width=40&name=NCW%20(2).png)
MONEY TALKS PRESENTATION: Adolph A. Weinman’s half-dollar design is a collector favorite. Proof versions of these pieces aren’t often discussed, as major varieties are not widely recognized by the numismatic community. Their entire run was low, yet high-grade proofs are relatively affordable. This discussion will include specific die varieties, along with some toning issues evident on many specimens.
Presenter: Ralph F. Wetterhahn
Originally presented May 26, 2021.
Overstrikes: Politics, Economics & Damnatio Memoriae on Byzantine Coins .png?width=40&name=NCW%20(2).png)
MONEY TALKS PRESENTATION: Byzantine emperors frequently overstruck the coins of their predecessors. In some instances, this was due to economic necessity, but in others, the move shows clear ideological implications— the destruction of the memory and image of previous rulers. This presentation will explore this fascinating and under studied medieval phenomenon.
Presenter: Alex Magnolia
Originally presented May 27, 2021.
Coins Melted to Manufacture War Material .png?width=40&name=NCW%20(2).png)
MONEY TALKS PRESENTATION: Many collectors know that coinage metals have been used to manufacture war materials, but few are aware that such items also have been melted to make coins. Coins from five countries were melted to support the United States’ effort during World War II. This presentation will explore this wartime-era coinage.
Presenter: William Myers
Originally presented May 28, 2021
Colonial Currency: German East Africa .png?width=40&name=NCW%20(2).png)
MONEY TALKS PRESENTATION: After the Berlin Conference of 1884-85, Germany established four colonies across Africa. The largest was German East Africa, founded by the German East Africa Company in 1885. This presentation discusses the money created for and used in the colony until the end of the German Empire in 1918.
Presenter: Doug Mudd
Originally presented June 1, 2021.
Dr. Lewis Feuchtwanger and the Numismatic Legacy of His Tokens .png?width=40&name=NCW%20(2).png)
MONEY TALKS PRESENTATION: In 1837 Dr. Lewis Feuchtwanger petitioned Congress to use his “German Silver” alloy for coinage. He struck and circulated 1- and 3-cent pieces dated 1837 to bolster his case, but Congress declined. However, 20 years later, legislators “borrowed” his ideas when the Flying Eagle cent was introduced. Feuchtwanger can be considered the father of the small cent and pioneered the use of nickel in coinage.
Presenter: Brad Seidel
Originally presented June 2, 2021.
Oh, No It Ain’t! .png?width=40&name=NCW%20(2).png)
MONEY TALKS PRESENTATION: Many people who aren’t coin collectors tend to think they’ve hit the jackpot when they find anything that looks out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case, and most of these purported “rare errors” turn out to be post-mint damaged coins. This presentation offers a fun and informative look at what constitutes a genuine U.S. Mint error and teaches how to distinguish these exceptional coins from near-worthless junk. Knowing the differences may potentially bring riches, but the main goal is to help attendees become better numismatists than they were before the presentation!
Presenter: Sam Gelberd
Originally presented June 3, 2021.
The Incredibly Diverse World of Confederate States Paper Money
What is Confederate Paper Money, and why is it so important to us? This webinar will cover this and all the basics of Confederate States Paper Money. You will embark on a journey in which you will acquire knowledge about the types of this currency and the people depicted on the notes. You will also learn what a PF variety is. Finally, you'll be instructed on how you can obtain these fascinating pieces of history that were issued from 1861-1864.
Presenter: Caleb Audette
Originally presented June 10, 2021.
Fundamental Grading Theory 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: Coin grading is very subjective and at times, complicated. Learn the difference between technical grading and marketing grading. Understand what a proof coin is and what it is not. Instructors Rod Gillis and Ken Bressett will discuss the language that is grading and set you on a path to learn how to grade coins suitable for your collection.
Presenters: Rod Gillis & Ken Bressett
Originally presented June 21, 2021.
Counterfeit US Gold Coins 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: US gold coins make most collectors very nervous. They have been heavily counterfeited and can be quite deceptive. This seminar will simplify the authentication process by teaching the diagnostics by major coin type or style and enabling allowing you to authenticate all the coins of each series regardless of date and mintmark. The seminar will include in-depth discussion of hundreds of images of both genuine and counterfeit coins. You should leave this seminar much more confident when buying US gold.
Presenters: Brian Silliman
Originally presented June 23, 2021
Chinese-Made Counterfeit Coins 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: This seminar will look at many of the Chinese-made counterfeit coins prevalent in the marketplace. Chinese-made counterfeits of both collector and circulating coinages is more prevalent than ever. While they have improved significantly since the 1970s, they are still fairly easy to detect when you know what to look for. In this course, the ever improving production methods used over the last few decades will be discussed which have led to the greatly improved examples we encounter now. We will review a wide range of fakes and diagnostics for authenticating them. We will also look at counterfeit certification holders, bullion, and discuss efforts to address the problem.
Presenters: Brian Silliman
Originally presented June 24, 2021.
Discovering Your Coin: How to Truly Learn about the Objects You are Collecting 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: As collectors of coins, tokens, medals, and paper money, we all love acquiring new pieces for our collection. But to properly appreciate what you're collecting, you need to learn about it. What is the story behind this object? How much has it sold for in the past? Who else collects this, and what can I learn from them? You will walk away from this talk with solid resources and the ability to discover just how amazing your collection really is!
Presenter: Kellen Hoard
Originally presented June 25, 2021.
The Importance of Eye Appeal 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: The hardest thing for most collectors to understand is what great eye-appeal really means. This is truly subjective and what seems great to one person may seem average to another. If you are a serious collector you owe it to yourself to understand the subtleties of eye-appeal. The market's emphasis on quality now demands that you learn as much as possible about the series you collect. My class will explore this important issue so that you may become a more successful collector.
Presenter: Jeff Garrett
Originally presented June 28, 2021
Modern Minting Process 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: Explore the minting process and learn how each procedure can lead to the possible creation of collectible errors and varieties. Topics include identifications and description, the art of cherrypicking, and various types of damage that may be confused for errors. This will only be a short overview of the full version of the class held each year during our annual Summer Seminar. Please note that while the regular class fulfills the "Modern Minting Process/U.S. Minting Errors and Varieties" course requirement for the ANA Numismatic Diploma Program, this brief version of the class does not fulfill this requirement.
Presenter: Sam Gelberd
Originally presented June 29, 2021.
Please check back for recording.
Counterfeit Detection of Key Dates and Mintmarked U.S. Coins 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: This seminar will take you through many quick and easy to remember diagnostics for on the go authentication of many Key Date and Mintmarked US Coins that are commonly seen in the marketplace and often fool experienced collectors and dealers. Initially, many remembering these diagnostics is intimidating when it really shouldn't be. In this class, these tricky diagnostics will be presented so that they will be easier to remember and expensive key coins will be much less intimidating and much more accessible to you . Cents through dollars will be covered.
Presenter: Brian Silliman
Originally presented June 29, 2021.
Please check back for recording.
The Coinage of Roman Egypt: A Survey 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: When Octavian (later known as Augustus) defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra in 30 BC, he took possession of Egypt and isolated it and its economy from the rest of the Roman Empire. One of the results of this isolation was a coinage system that would combine three of the great cultures/civilizations of the ancient world: Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
This presentation will give an over view of Roman Egyptian (sometimes called Alexandrian, after the mint city) coinage, from Augustus to Diocletian, with a focus on the fascinating reverse types used on the drachm – the largest bronze denomination produced at Alexandria.
Presenter: Kerry Wetterstrom
Originally presented June 30, 2021.
Please check back soon for recording.
Romano-Companian Coins 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: By the middle of the fourth century B.C., Rome was becoming an increasingly prominent force with its Italian neighbors, but its local monetary system was quite primitive, with the most important medium of exchange consisting of cast bronze ingots that were traded by weight. In order to facilitate commerce with the cities in Magna Graecia, Rome needed to develop coins. These first Roman coins are of the fabric and style of Greek coins, and are some of the most beautiful of all Roman coins. During the third century B.C. these Romano-Campanian coins evolved from a trade currency to ultimately supplant the local cast bronzes and serve as the basis for the more mature Roman coinage that developed during the Second Punic War.
This presentation will survey the first century of Roman struck coins from the foedus aequum with Neapolis at the beginning if the Second Samnite War in 326 B.C. to the beginning of the Second Punic War in 225 B.C., and put these Romano-Campanian coins in context with the local aes rude and aes grave that were used contemporaneously in central Italy.
Presenter: Scott Rottinghaus
Originally presented July 1, 2021.
Please check back for recording.
Ancient Greek Coinage; An Overview of the World's First Coinage 
SUMMER SEMINAR PRESENTATION: This class is an in-depth introduction to the exciting world of Greek coinage – from its earliest beginnings until the final takeover of Egypt by the Roman Empire in 30 B.C. "Greek" coinage is one of the three independently invented foundations of money as we know it today and has heavily influenced our ideas of what money should look like, how it is made and how it is used. Topics discussed will include the basics of the Greek monetary system, its origins, how the coins were made and how they changed over time, as well as the vast array of cities, kingdoms and empires that produced these miniature masterpieces of art for over 600 years.
Presenter: Doug Mudd
Originally presented July 2, 2021.
Please check back for recording.